Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pregnancy - Week 26

I am feeling guilty whenever i eat fast food or eating randomly just to satisfy my cravings.

This is what i had yesterday and some other days:

A glass of milk + 2 pieces wholemeal bread with peanut butter spread and margarine

Tea: A glass of MILO

A bowl of curry noodles (YUMMY!!)and a glass of longan tea
(Baby was kicking a storm in tummy when i had this!)

Snack: 1 piece of rye grain crackers & a handful of mixed nuts

Mcdonalds fried chicken (!) & fries. I took less than 5 sips of Coke plus i added water to my drink to make it less sweet. Haha!

I only have fruits on alternate days which i need to improve on. Also realise i didnt have veges in my meal! :O