Give me any novel any day will definitely makes my day ! Cos i am this so in love with books ok?
I didnt start reading immediately but i started after few weeks to see what is this book all over and surprised that she bought this book for me as i am leaving for London in few weeks time as well. So i thought maybe she wants me to really think what is ahead of me. I mistaken it for just-another-motivation book. Boy was i wrong!
Book is interesting and full of emotions, i can actually picture myself in all the 3 places she went because it was so beautifully written. I truly love the part where she ate and ate until all her pants were no longer fit! And also the part where she fall in love.
It also touches my heart whereby she sent out emails seeking for help in raising funds for Tutti's family. World is full of love and helpful considerate people altho we do not really act like that
I watched the movie the other day with boo and he actually fall asleep halfway!! So are few of my frens in another cities. Well, of course they are haters and lovers to this book and movies but for me, i just absolutely love it!